Face Recognition Software

Top-rated, American-made.

State-of-the-art facial recognition software featuring NIST-certified algorithms, lightning-fast template generation, and the smallest mobile footprint, all powered by ROC SDK (Software Development Kit).

Unlike other Face Recognition software that requires massive servers and active connectivity, ROC SDK stands alone:

Face Template Size

261 bytes, 7-15x smaller than our closest competitors

Memory Footprint

83 Mb, 10-20x smaller than our closest competitors

Template Generation

193 ms, 2-5x smaller than our closest competitors

Mitigate poison AI risks from foreign-developed technology

ROC SDK is 100% developed in the USA by US citizens and is trusted by Fortune 500 companies and throughout the Department of Defense.

Support ethical AI

We are advocates for the safe and morally sensible use of facial recognition to help solve challenging problems. Check out our Code of Ethics.

Lightweight and built for speed, ROC SDK powers both enterprise and edge-based applications when failure is not an option

ID Proofing to secure online transactions and prevent fraud

Know Your Customer (KYC) to deliver customized experienced and prevent fraud or corruption

Visitor Access and Management for sensitive facilities including schools, hospitals, and government facilities

Forensic Investigations to solve crimes and identify potential threats

Authenticated Government Services when trusted identity is critical

Sensitive Military Operations when identifying friend from foe matters most

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The ROC Difference

Faster and More Accurate

  • More than 99.5% accurate (NIST FRVT)
  • Ranked #1 in algorithm speed and efficiency
  • Process videos in real-time on mobile devices


Real-world Performance

  • Host millions of identities on a mobile device
  • Identify faces and objects without ideal camera angles or lighting
  • Proven Face Recognition accuracy with masks and sunglasses
  • Hundreds of successful integrations

Easy Integration

  • Free access to development SDK
  • OS and platform agnostic
  • Extensive documentation and sample code
  • Deploy in the cloud, on-prem, or on a mobile device
  • Works with existing camera and VMS systems
  • Be up and running in minutes


How does Face Recognition work?


What sets ROC.ai apart?


What is a face template?


A face template is the numerical encoding of a face image that contains uniquely identifying characteristics and allows computers to differentiate between people. They can be generated from a static image or series of video frames. Uniquely identifying characteristics associated with the face image are extracted and represented by a numerical encoding which cannot be reverse engineered to mitigate identity spoofing. Each Face Recognition software vendor has a unique approach for this encoding process. File size and matching speed are critical differentiators in addition to accuracy.

What OS requirements do your products have? What architectures are supported?


The ROC SDK is available for Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Android, and Linux. The ROC SDK supports both x86-64 and ARM processors. For older processors we provide a legacy build for CPUs that do not have the FMA instruction set.

Do you process on the edge or on the cloud?


Both! The ROC SDK performs accurate face matching on-edge and on large-scale cloud applications, given our small file size. And we do it without compromising performance, so we can work equally as well on large enterprise applications.

What types of use cases do you support?


ROC.ai currently supports a broad range of use cases across both the public and private sectors. We work heavily in the commercial space, especially FinTech, and power ~50% of the ID-proofing community, including various online banking, eKYC, and anti-fraud solutions. Within the public sector, we power over a dozen law enforcement agencies and several large federal customers. We are also proud to work with several organizations addressing social issues like human trafficking, child exploitation, counterterrorism, and election participation.


What is the largest gallery of face images that ROC.ai can support?


The sky is the limit! We understand that each of our partners have different requirements, and we have developed our Face Recognition capabilities with this in mind. Our products support galleries in the order of millions. Currently, our largest deployment supports a federal government organization with a 500M template gallery.

Do you work with masks?


Yes. In response to COVID, ROC.ai applied its extensive data collection and research capabilities on the challenge of uniquely recognizing people wearing face masks using only the eye/eyebrow region of the face.

Does your face recognition algorithm work on children?


Yes, ROC.ai is very accurate when used on children. However, there are important nuances to this answer.

  1. Rapid physiological development – Early adolescence is a time in physiological development when the face and cranium experience major changes.
  2. Availability of data – Face Recognition algorithms exhibit high performance on population segments on which they have been trained. Training data for minors is not as readily available as data for adults.
  3. The time span between enrollment and subsequent matching is especially important to consider when Face Recognition systems are used with younger populations. Overall, we estimate that Face Recognition works well on people over the age of 11.

How good are ROC.ai’s Face Recognition capabilities?


What is your approach to bias?


What is your approach to privacy?


Fraud is a big issue in facial recognition. How does ROC.ai tackle spoofing?


We use a single image/single frame and have several models looking for spoofs on laptops, glossy photos, printer paper and phones. ROC has a US patent for its proprietary passive biometric liveness detection. The method uses micro-texture analysis to confirm the authenticity of a biometric image during the matching process. ROC's liveness detection does not require the use of any specialized hardware, and is able to perform the liveness check using only the standard RGB cameras found in smartphones, security cameras, and other devices. It also does so using only a single image or video frame, which minimizes the amount of processing bandwidth needed to carry out the check.