ROC News

Understanding the Importance of Peak Memory Usage

Understanding the Importance of Peak Memory Usage

When building mobile or embedded face recognition applications, there is a small amount of computer memory available. Thus, only face recognition algorithms that require a limited amount of RAM can be used in mobile and embedded applications. This article discusses these concepts and highlights how many vendors develop algorithms that are not usable in mobile and embedded applications.

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Facial Recognition Code of Ethics

Facial Recognition Code of Ethics

Rank One Computing believes in a just, non-violent world of equality and fairness. We prize democratic values, civil liberties and open and informed debate. When used to further these values, automated face recognition can continue to make the world a safer, better place for everyone. In the absence of regulatory guidance, we wish to advance limitations that we believe are appropriate in how face recognition should be utilized.

The following set of ethics serve as a guideline for how we will develop face recognition systems and how we will expect our integration partners and end-users to develop and utilize face recognition systems based on our algorithms

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