Patented, Passive, Single-frame
Liveness Detection

Prevent fraud and highly sophisticated deep fakes.

Our best-in-class face recognition algorithm gets even better with 99% anti-spoofing accuracy in under 1 second.

Strengthen your ID proofing & verification solutions

Verify that an image is from a live person who is present at the point of capture.

Confirm liveness at the point of enrollment

Ensure data integrity of your identity ecosystem by confirming liveness from initial enrollment and throughout the identity lifecycle.

Detect spoofing and fraud activity across any sensor or image source

ROC’s patented approach is entirely sensor and system agnostic, works with images and videos from any source, and returns a highly accurate liveness/anti-spoofing score in less than one second.

Advanced Presentation Attack Detection

iBeta Level-2 compliant photo, video, avatar, and silicon mask detection.

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